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Love vs Career

Do you have to sacrifice one for the other? Are there really enough hours in the day to achieve your career goals plus find (and keep) a romantic match? This week’s blog is for you if you’ve ever complained, “I just don’t have time for dating” but.  The career success trap If you’re anything like

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Everything you need to know about offline dating in 2020

Everything you need to know about offline dating in 2020 Dating is changing. Get ready to leave the ghosting, orbiting, cuffing, swiping and shallow chat in 2019. In the new year we want something real, authentic and honest. Read on to find out how dating is going to look very different in 2020. Multi-Apping is

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Sex vs. intimacy: which are you looking for?

Are sex and intimacy different things? Can you have one without the other? Or does one lead to another? I shed some light on the murky waters of sex and intimacy in my latest blog to help you decode what you really want  Put your hand up if you’ve ever sought intimacy via sex –

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How to get REAL results from your favourite dating app

Is it possible to find real connection on a dating app? As a dating and sex consultant, I get asked about this all the time from people tired of endless swiping and chats that go nowhere. To improve your chances of success, I’ve compiled my top tips for finding a real relationship online. 7 top

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Why sexual compatibility matters

I often hear people say, “but, I don’t have an extreme fetish, I am quite vanilla in bed. Can I still sign up?” YES YOU CAN! This is EXACTLY why it is important we talk about just that – sexual compatibility. Data from the British National Surveys of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles, indicates one in four UK couples are imbalanced in

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What it’s really like to date in your late 30s

Google ‘dating in your 30s’ and you’re in for a fright. From “aching ovaries” to “sad single-dads”, “emotional baggage” and even that it’s like “sifting through garbage” it’s enough to put you off finding love completely. I call BS. Consider this your permission slip to ignore the internet fear-mongering. I work with men and women

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7 Simple Ways To Stay Safe On A Date

If there’s one thing guaranteed to cloud your judgement on a first date, it’s lust. When your date is super hot and flirty, it’s easy to forget that you’ve only just met them. So I’ve put together my top tips for staying safe on a first date. Following these 7 simple tips will protect you

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