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Online Dating is Killing Romance

How do we find love in the digital age? Simple: delete the dating apps on your phone. Find out why online dating is ruining your love life – and what to do instead. Ahhh, romance. That sweet, sweet feeling you get when they even so much as glance at you with their perfect eyes. There

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How to own what you want

If I had a pound for every time I heard ‘but Asa, I don’t know what I want’ – I would be a very rich woman. In this week’s blog I’m delving into how to figure out what you want in a partner – and get it. So you want a new love BUT you

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Can eye-contact make you fall in love?

If eyes really are the window to the soul, can gazing into them help speed up a soul-to-soul connection? I take a look at the scientific evidence to find out how to harness the eyes to find new love. As a dating coach, I’m always thrilled when I hear ‘their eyes’ in answer to the

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10 Original Date Ideas In London

There’s no excuse for a boring date night in London. A city crammed with exciting events, from dining in the dark to having a Butler in the park, it’s time to break out of your date rut (dinner and drinks can get really old, really fast) and try something new with one of these fun

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It’s ok to… date sober

There’s no doubt about it: sobriety has earned a new kind of cool. If you’re tired of hangovers and drunken sex, maybe now is the time to join the growing numbers of people going sober as the wellness and lifestyle choice. You must have noticed people all over London shunning nights out at the local

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Can the 5 love languages really help your love life?

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According to relationship counsellor Gary D. Chapman, we could all be better partners if we familiarised ourselves with the five “love languages”. When it comes to dating, does speaking your lover’s language really matter? What’s your love language? It may have been written way back in 1992, but the popularity of a book called The

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