January 2021

How To Attract The Right Person For You

I adopt a no BS approach to finding true fulfilment in relationships. If you’re tired of the same old (sexist) dating “advice” out there, and can’t bear another boring date or shallow sexual encounter, then this blog is for you.  When it comes to sex, love, dating and relationships, are you ready to finally feel

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The blueprint for a happy, successful online dating life

Lots of people really struggle with online dating, often blaming dating apps for the emotional rollercoaster that it sends them on. Imagine if you could approach online dating as an exciting adventure instead says Saskia Nelson, founder of dating photography agency Hey Saturday. In this blog Saskia shares the blueprint for a happy, successful online

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5 Ways To Boost Your Emotional IQ For More Connected Relationships

Knowing how to improve emotional intelligence will help you in every area of life, especially when it comes to dating and romance. And the good news is that it’s not something you’re simply born with, but a skill that recent studies have shown can be learned. To be classified as emotionally intelligent, the first thing

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