Tailor Matched is the UK market leader in romantic compatibility both inside and outside of the bedroom.
The Suitability Package.
Few things could be as important to your happiness as a relationship that satisfies through and through, and a healthy sex life is the key to relationship success.
This is why we through our unique Suitability Profile go deeper into what is important to you in life and in the bedroom.
Investing in our 6 months package gives you the luxury of the Tailor Matched team activity searching for suitable candidates based on your suitability profile providing you with 3 introductions across 6 months.
But we don’t stop there, we know that there are nuances of knowledge which can only be obtained once we get to know our members. So rather than only gathering information about our members over email and online profiles – we take the time to speak to each and every one who wants to join our matchmaking community.
This is one of the many ways in how we set ourselves apart from online dating apps.
On top of that we also ensure picture verification and proof of age. All pictures get personally verified by the team to make sure that we continue to provide a top quality service.
A dating life that is about quality and not quantity - if you too think that overcharging matchmaking agencies are so last year and you are ready to leave behind the shallow pool of online dating, get in touch with us today to find out more
Finding your person who you are compatible with in life and in the bedroom has never been more fun.
Investment from £4,999*
*Subject to location, scope and preferences.
...value sexual compatibility
...don’t have enough time to swipe or meet random people on the off-chance they’re your perfect match.
...feel an algorithm alone is not enough.
...want to feel a deeper connection.
...are tired of feeling like you have to hide your true self.
...might have felt shame about wanting to explore your sexual side.
...have found that people never look like they do on dating apps or are the way they appeared online.
…save you time, energy, money and false hope – no more dating sites and apps that don’t work.
…provide relief and reduce stress in finding the right partner.
...match you with your person who is compatible with you in life and in the bedroom.
…create a deeper connection with your future partner as all our clients are thoroughly profiled through human-led offline dating service.
…help you own your sexual desires without any shame.
…offer support to work on anything that holds your back in dating and in your love life.
Don't leave love to an algorithm.
Asa Baav

for anyone over 18
Set Yourself Free - Personal Coaching
Want do be liberated in love and in the bedroom?
Working with our founder Asa will get you the clarity around what YOU really want and remove whatever is holding you back in your love life.
We help you replace limiting beliefs with new empowering self generated beliefs and actionable steps of how you can reach the end goal you desire.
Why is this important? Because they choices that you make is what determines the outcomes in your life.
Using powerful coaching techniques and methods, our programs are designed to give you those ‘aha’ moments that will really turn your love life around.
We offer a wide range of tools within our practice which is applied based on you and where you are right now, as we are all about the tailored and personal experience.
Each session with YOU in mind, through tailored support even in between our sessions and tools designed to maximise our time together.
We get you the outcomes that you truly desire.
Set Yourself Free - our 3 months coaching program.
A personalised 121 coaching program for 3 months created just for you.
6 x 1-2-1 coaching sessions
Actionable steps and homework that is aligned with your desired outcome to complete between sessions
Access to your intake session form - designed to bring awareness to what is going on for you right now, previous life events, limiting beliefs and patterns, and to create clarity around what brought you here today and what you want out of our time together so I can truly support you on your journey.
To maximise our 1-2-1 sessions together you receive a session preparation sheet ahead of each session to allow time to reflect on what has been going on since we last spoke, what you have learnt about yourself, perhaps what you would have done differently and what you would like to focus on in the upcoming session – each session with you in mind.
Access to Asa for 3 months where you can ask questions and reach out for help and guidance whenever you need it (via email)
Our first session is 90 minutes and the remaining 5 sessions are 60 minutes per session
Investment £2,250
Book your free 30 minutes session today
We’ll get to know each other and explore what your biggest challenge is at the moment. You’ll fill us in on the reasons you're considering coaching right now, and together we’ll discuss how we can work together to improve your situation. Explore what your dating life could look like with the help of a truly understanding coach!
Secure your free session with Asa here
Our unique vetting method lets us ask the right questions.
Asa Baav

London only
Events & Workshops
Is this you?
Our workshops work for people who have nodded “yes!” to all the above and are curious about our method – but are not ready to commit to matchmaking or coaching quite yet. Or maybe you are already working with us and want to make new friends who can relate to where you are in your dating journey?
You are curious and want to meet like-minded people or learn something that you've always been interested in...but perhaps you haven’t had the courage to admit that - yet.
Our events are now for members only but luckily for you for a limited time only you can create your introductory profile for free in 6 simple steps.
Our Events
will be focusing on confidence, knowing yourself and your body, relationships, dating, sex, what it is like to be single in 2021, and cater to people who are tired of swiping and being over-charged by other matchmaking agencies.
Our workshops will provide safe, fun and shame-free spaces with no strings attached – other than those around the gifts in our gorgeous goodie bags (or the ribbons to tie your partner to the bed with, if you're so inclined).
Testimonials from some of our matchmaking and coaching clients
James, London
Asa and the team have been tremendous in helping me with compatible introductions. It’s been so refreshing to be able to connect with the right sort of women, knowing that there is so much potential for an exhilarating connection. I thoroughly recommend signing up to Tailor Matched!
Ruth, London
I had no problem meeting men but was not meeting the type of man that I could build a lasting relationship with. As a result, I had started to feel really negative about dating, started to lose my self-confidence but I still wanted to find a partner. After working with Asa I feel far more positive about myself, more comfortable being single and more optimistic about finding the right person for me, someone I think is really incredible as I have more confidence that I deserve that now.
Even though I have previously invested in myself in terms of the gym and career coaching - I had never invested in myself in terms of professional support around dating. I am really glad I took this part of my life seriously enough to invest in it and would recommend it to anyone.
Mark, London
From my first meeting with Asa I knew I was in good hands and trusted her and the team on my behalf to find suitable matches.
I have spent too much energy going on dates only to find we were not suitable in and out of the bedroom. With Tailor Matched the in-depth questionnaire, the personal touch and their knowledge of dating make me feel very confident in the service they offer and have thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
Even though I have previously invested in myself in terms of the gym and career coaching - I had never invested in myself in terms of professional support around dating. I am really glad I took this part of my life seriously enough to invest in it and would recommend it to anyone.
Ann, NYC
Working with Asa is a gift to one's self, she is empathic, intelligent, compassionate and will help you unearth all the things holding you back and then help set you up on a new path.
Coaching with Asa has offered me a safe place to explore my limiting beliefs, to challenge them, and to work on creating a vision for what I want in my life. She has really empowered me to understand that I have agency in my life and my choices. I am learning my worth and stepping out of a mindset of scarcity to one of excitement for what is ahead and that what is ahead can be whatever I want it to be. I feel much more invested in myself and in nurturing myself)
After working with Asa, it's impossible not to challenge your limiting beliefs. The awareness and empowerment she offers is steady and real and really loving. She is an excellent guide who will help you on your path, wherever you are on that path
Rachel, London
Thank you for the introduction and congratulations on our compatibility. There is a great deal in his energy and outlook that matches incredibly well with how I think and approach life. We met this last weekend and went wild swimming and picnicking together, a suitable date for two wild souls.
Meeting my introduction has helped me reflect on the high calibre of men you've introduced me to. It’s challenging to find and establish a meaningful relationship you have worked really hard to make meaningful connections, so thank you.
Faz, London
After 18 months of therapy including CBT, personal counselling and marriage counselling I can honestly she has had the most positive impact on my life.
Cancer, infidelity in my marriage and insecurities very much tainted my view of life. Her sessions have refocused my mind and my view of myself. She has helped me rebuild the broken pieces of my puzzle by challenging every one of my limiting thoughts and made me believe in myself.
She has helped me see the positives in myself and take control of my life as well as prepare me for things that are uncontrollable. Asa is truly amazing and I couldn’t recommend her more.

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Want to stop wasting your time on endless swiping? Tired of giving a piece of you to someone who doesn’t deserve it - only to find that the connection that seemed so real online was not at all the same in real life?
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